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A person under the influence of determination is comparable to a train. The train will not change its direction, as it cannot, and no matter what, the train will continue along the tracks until it either reaches its destination or is stopped by the conductor. Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.


Hard work is when you work diligently to complete your tasks putting great effort and labor. You can't be great without hard work, the secret behind any achievement in life is hard work the goals you set and your plans to achieve them, and you staying focus in doing them is also called hard work.

Obstacles to ruin your goals, let them serve as your motivator until you reach your goal. If we have the determination and will power for one defined goal in life then nothing can stop us to achieve success. Though one thing is clear that the type of achievement depends upon the goal you have defined for yourself and your determination.


Dreams and goals are accomplished when you have the determination to aim for them, working your hardest to do your best. What does it take to be a champion?Desire ,dedication,determination,concentration,and the will to win.

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