An ideal student is the one who devotes himself to his studies who knows what is the most important thing in his life who knows that what is the meaning of utilizing and wasting time. He is the one who is mature enough to know the difference between right and wrong. He knows what is the advantage and what is the disadvantage of doing something new that will take him/her toward his/her dream, aim or lifetime ambition. He is the one whose each action becomes motivation and inspiration for his fellows.
Famous saying
is the seed-time of life" is the famous saying. Because your whole life
depends on your decision in youth time you can make or damage your whole career
life by doing right or wrong choice. The teaching of youth is the foundation
material of the future life of a man. To seek knowledge, one has to take pains.
As we have heard life is not a bed of roses then I am saying today Learning is
not a bed of roses. So in order to achieve something you need to lose
something first you need to sacrifice something you need to give up sleeping
for the whole day you need to work hard for the sake of your dream.
Success rate
you will do little amount of work then you will certainly get little reward . Our
fortunes and successes will be according to our doings and hard works. No one
can achieve success and be the topper without any effort everyone is doing hard
works behind the scene. These successful people which are in front of you these
days were once students who were once struggling because they were
once aiming to be at this place where they are now. Your success rate depends on
the hard work you input that you are giving for your future.
Qualities of ideal student
students remain attentive to lessons and remain present throughout the whole
year because they know the importance of time. He knows if he missed one lecture
then how much loss he will have to bear. They are not used to fake listening
.In today’s classes almost 60 % of students are fake listeners they just move their
faces when teachers glance at them otherwise if you ask them any question about
the topic you will be disappointed by their responses. Now those attentive and
true listener ideal students are a source of continuation of class because they
keep on giving good responses to teachers. This thinking makes up his mind and
he aims to not miss even one lecture. If you want to know about the definition of
good manners then go and see the character of such ideal students who are doing and everything with certain rules. He is the one who knows justice who can
discriminate right from wrong and who knows how to respect others opinions.
most important thing is the character of a man because the character is also key to
success Character is the only thing which is the first one to define the person
.So the character of such ideal student is full of respect, justice, and full
of lessons.
students know that health matters the most in their lives and achieving their
dreams. So they maintain their health too because they know if they will be
healthy they can work more than the work done when they will be unhealthy.
is the most important thing but it is the most difficult thing to be achieved
by the student but students can become ideal if they can achieve the balance between
their personal life and their academic life. They can enjoy life by visiting
places by going on picnics and at the same time they can also join seminars and
educational activities.
they all can achieve the balance between their academic life and personal life and
it does not mean they are playing golf and in their mind the chemical equation
of chemistry is going through.They concentrate on the thing that they are
doing like if they are playing then they are playing with full concentration
but if they are studying they are studying with full concentration without
thinking about any other event.