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 Happiness of life

Happiness means those things those moments that came to your mind and you think yourself completely fresh those people by seeing whom you feel good and all of you love your parents by being with your parents make you feel happy this is happiness in simple words. A child seeing a mother with a smile is showing happiness, a person seeing flowers in the garden is smiling because he is happy a friend giving help or book for help to his friend is happy by doing kindness, and a person giving things to a person who is sitting by the roadside who don't have money to feed his children such person who is giving things is making him happy. Just dive into the flow of life and see how much happiness you can give to someone in just one day and one moment just imagine.


The very first thing and example are to become happy by spreading kindness. Just imagine your 20 rupees which are nothing in your eyes but to someone who hasn't eaten anything for 2 days to that person how much happiness is this just imagine and go to find such people who can't earn money because of injustices of country government and society just think how they those parents of someone who got abandoned by their children from how much hurt they are feeling just think of your parents put yourself at their places and spread happiness and I am telling you you will feel happy from inner of yourself.


Enjoy your work. You are working according to your day-plan you are doing 5 subjects in one day with the time of two hours each week just enjoy learning in simple words study with the feeling of getting training or learning new skills and work in a fun way not like doing burden. In simple words don't think you are reducing your burden just do work in enjoying way with breaks.


Love is just in small things. A little child who doesn't know how to speak but he is seeing anyone and that person see him I mean that child with a smile this will teach that small child the very important lesson of life so just spread love and this will help you to collect happiness that little child will return this smile to someone else in the same way and happiness will start from this and will go on spreading. This was just a small example to show the true side to others.


Gifts also play an important role in making you apply because seeing just important and small example make differences in the life of a lot of people Your one act will change habits of a lot of people you will gift to those to whom you give importance like a simple example is your giving gifts to your friends because you want them by your side and your gifts to your parents because you love them more than anyone in the whole world these are examples of being happy by giving gifts as your feelings to your love ones.


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