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Knowledge is power

Man tries to become powerful by fair means or foul. His power would raise him over his fellow beings. Thus the battles of the past were mostly fought only to gain power. Now this power is of two different kinds. One power is physical, the other mental. The power of the body, the material, or animal strength, is called physical power. On the other hand, if a man tries to gain the power of the mind by knowledge or education we call it mental power. Knowledge has its power which is also moral.

The great discoveries and inventions of science are proof of man's superior knowledge. A person who is educated is more powerful than an illiterate person. A person without knowledge is like a blind man in the dark night. Knowledge gives one a clear vision of everything and this strengthens him against the problems of life. Thus knowledge is power. An illiterate person is a powerless, miserable, wretched human being. He cannot lead a respectable life. 

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